ILC Interaction Region Engineering Design WorkshopSLAC


Local Airports

Local Maps

You can find a series of maps covering the surrounding areas.

Ground Transportation

From San Francisco Airport

From San Jose Airport

Car Rental

Enterprise Rent-A-Car is located on campus and offers a free pick-up service from the Stanford Guest House lobby. Guests can take advantage of discounted rates by mentioning the Stanford Guest House.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car
360 Oak Road, Stanford, CA 94305, (650) 833-8060

Registration is necessary to participate in the workshop.
Registration fee is $30 and reception fee is $20. Registration closed
A hosted dinner will be on Wednesday, September 19, at 6:00 pm at Hunan Garden, 3345 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306. Please email Naomi Nagahashi to let her know if you are attending the dinner.