Coherence Workshop
Aymeric Robert
Sebastien Boutet
Brian Stephenson
Henry Chapman

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LCLS Users' Meeting Satellite Workshop
Application of coherent X-rays at the LCLS
October 17, 2008
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Menlo Park, California

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together world experts on the use of coherent x-ray beams to study the structure and dynamics of matter. It will provide the opportunity to discuss the scientific capabilities of the coherent x-rays that will be produced by the Linac Coherent Light Source. It will also be an opportunity to identify the types of problems that the LCLS will be ideally suited to answer. Finally, this forum will provide the platform to get people excited about the LCLS instruments and will be a great starting point to build the user community for the X-ray Correlation Spectroscopy (XCS) and Coherent X-ray Imaging (CXI) instruments.