Workshop Preparation

The workshop is organized around panel discussions. We do not expect participants to prepare any slide-presentations.

Science and industry representatives

Be prepared to discuss the following topics.

For your largest database(s), please describe the following:

  • Type (warehouse, analytical, transactional, other)
  • Purpose of the database and the system using it
  • Suitability of existing commercial RDBMS software and degree of customization
  • Size of the largest table(s) in rows, columns, and bytes
  • Degree of normalization in the schema
  • Ingest and query rates
  • Query types
  • Index to data ratio
  • Major problems you ran into

If proprietary RDBMS software is used, please describe

  • General architecture
  • Scalability
  • Operations and maintainability
  • Relational operations/language/SQL subset or extensions supported

There will not be enough time at the workshop for everyone to give complete background of their projects. If you want to share these background details with others, send us a short summary by October 21st, and we will post it on the workshop website (publicly visible). Feel free to include links to relevant documents.

Vendor representatives

Be prepared to discuss how and when your system will cost-effectively manage peta-scale data without massive customization.

Academic representatives

Be prepared to discuss how to improve the connection between the research community and practical peta-scale databases.

Materials received

You can reserve a room at the Stanford Guest House at the rate of $75. Mention that you are attending this workshop. Book early!
We thank our sponsors:
  • LSST Corporation
  • Yahoo!
Provided funds are used to cover lunch, coffee breaks and part of the dinner cost.