Payment Information

Although payment will be accepted on-site, advance payment is encouraged and will save you time at registration on the first day of the workshop. You may pay by check, cash, or credit card at the on-site registration desk.

Credit Card

We accept VISA and MasterCard credit cards only.

If the name on the credit card is different than the participant’s name, please indicate that in the comment section of the payment form or email that information to Cathy Knotts.


Check or Money Order

Personal, institutional, and traveler’s checks and money orders must be drawn, in US dollars, on a US bank and made payable to Stanford University.

Please print and fill out a copy of the Payment by Check: Order Form for each participant, and send the form and the check to:

Cathy Knotts
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Road, Mail Stop 99
Menlo Park, CA 94025